PROHIBITON OF INCEST AND DIVINE ORDERS IN THE HISTORICAL PROCESS: An Analysis on Psycho-anthropological Roots of Privacy
TARİHSEL SÜREÇTE ENSEST YASAKLARI VE DİNÎ EMİRLER: Mahremiyetin Psiko-Antropolojik Temelleri Üzerine Bir Değerlendirm

Author : Saffet KARTOPU -- Abdullah DAĞCI
Number of pages : 141-160


Every society has some rules to regulate social and familial life. These rules undertake specific functions for the society where they occur, and carry out a significant mission. When the life of primary societies is re-evaluated, the prohibition of incest, which aims to prevent sexual intercourse between close relatives, had influence in determination of limits of familial relations. At the same time, it is witnessed that many prohibitions developed in around the prohibition of incest. In this sense, it can be expressed that the prohibition of incest is one of the primary and pioneering prohibitions of the history of mankind, and constitutes the core of many prohibitions. It is understood that these prohibitions were transformed into religious prohibitions as derivative prohibitions within the course of development of the family of mankind, and that they integrated the prohibitions, which occurred upon human experience, into the life of the i


Prohibitions of Incest, Privacy, Religious Prohibitions, Divine Orders, Psycho-anthropology.

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