Author : Çetin TAN -- Önder ŞANLI - Büşra BOZANOĞLU
Number of pages : 7-20


Nowadays the importance of effective communication has become one of the subjects that almost all organizations must dwell on carefully. Based on this importance, the importance of effective communication has also increased day by day in education institutions, input and output of which is human. Also, the language used by school administrators who are in the position of school leaders, is followed by all school partners carefully and regarded considerably. Another partner who is probably the leading one among those who undertake the most significant task for school managing is teacher. Therefore, the communication between school administrators and teachers and the impact of the language used in this communication have also become one of the topics that must be noticed. The aim of this study is to examine the effects of the language used by school administrators in communication process. The pool of the study is composed of 16 teachers who work at 4 different high schools in Hatay. The semi-structured interview form consisted of 4 open ended questions is used as data collection tool. This study is important in terms of determining communication barriers faced between teachers and school administrators in practice, beyond communication process that must be in theory, and in terms of determining the level of how these barriers affect teacher performance. In this context, looking for a solution by paying regard to teacher opinions and removing the communication barriers have made the study more significant. Nobody is born with the skills of being a teacher. Teaching gains its experience and practice after certain education and training process. In the removal of unfavorable situations which show up while teachers perform their occupations, big tasks fall to school administrators. School administrators carry out most of this duty through verbal communication. Accordingly, the communication ability of school administrators is a topic to which all school partners pay attention considerably.


Performance, school manager, communication skills

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