العنف مظاهره وأشكاله في الممارسات الفنية

Author : Fakhriya AL YAHYAİ
Number of pages : 15-35


This research highlights the phenomenon of violence in Arts and attempts to discover its forms and types in art practices. It will also look at violence across history and will try to understand the characters of those who practice art and integrate themselves in the frame of violence. This will be done by searching through the history in order to record the forms and symbols of violence. In general, this research attempts to answer the following questions: how does art present the phenomenon of violence? In which art forms was it mostly presented? And how do the artworks of the contemporary artists show the cases of violence? The descriptive analytic and historical research methodology were used to follow the phenomenon of violence in arts. The results show that there are different art practices that presented and formulated violence in terms of form, context and artistic techniques used. This research concluded that violence has been visible since the beginning of classic art until contemporary one and this regarded as evidence that arts are mirrors reflecting the artist relationship to their own worlds and the world around them. The results also show that the contemporary artists use their bodies as form to record their impact of violence.


violence, art practices, contemporary art

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