Türkiye`nin Güney`nde Orta Toroslar`da Cedrus libani ve Abies cilicica ormanlari geleneksel arazi kullanimina bagli olarak degrade edilmektedir. Geleneksel yasam bicimine sahip olan yerli halk yazin asiri sicak ve kurakliga bagli olarak hayvan sürülerini alarak daha serin olan yüksek daglik kesimler de yer alan yaylalara göc etmektedir. Bununla birlikte ormanlik alanlarda otlatma ve orman icinde illegal olarak agac kesimi yapilarak orman ici aydinlatilmaktadir. Yapilan bu calisma ile birlikte orman ici aydinlatilmasi ve otlatmanin bitki türlerinin kompozisyonu üzerine olan etkileri arastirilmistir. Matematiksel yöntemler (Kluster Analizi) kullanilarak bitki siniflandirmasi yapilmistir.
The forests of Cedrus libani and Abies cilicica middle Taurus Mountains in southern Turkey are degraded by the traditional land use. The traditional living population migrates in the summer with their cattle from the lowlands to the highlands, because the pastures are productive due to higher Niederschäge there. The forests are thereby also grazed and strong position also thins felling. In the present study the effects of thinning and grazing on the ground vegetation of forests with Cedrus libani and Abies cilicica be. The intensive grazing, the plant species composition has changed. In the study, the composition of the plant species with regard to grazing and irradiation was determined in the cedar fir forests. At the same time the succession and the plant sociological classification were recorded in the plant communities there. Due to intensive grazing, the plant species composition with mathematical method has changed.