Author :  

Year-Number: 2020-107
Yayımlanma Tarihi: 2020-08-26 22:03:22.0
Language : Türkçe
Konu : Sosyal Bilimler
Number of pages: 32-57
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap


International companies, which are a single-centered structure in the globalizing world, have to act with caution towards any internal and external negative factors that will threaten their existence while making management decisions according to certain conditions and criteria. In order to ensure the continuity of the relations of international companies with their stakeholders in terms of economic, social and political aspects and to create an environment of trust, stakeholders should not only take into consideration their cultural, social, psychological and economic differences, but they should pay attention to the practices regarding these differences. Besides the sudden and unexpected situations of the crises, not taking action against the expected events causes the crisis to progress. In the example of the crisis analyzed in this study, it was concluded that social values towards another country and race were treated as sarcastic or derogatory with the media and advertisement studies. It was also observed that this situation negatively affected the brand's activities in the current market. With the case analysis, in this study, it was tried to reveal how the crisis created by the examined brand in the advertising campaign and other communication forms affects the brand, what it does to change the negative image perception resulting from the crisis and how it carries out a study.



International companies, which are a single-centered structure in the globalizing world, have to act with caution towards any internal and external negative factors that will threaten their existence while making management decisions according to certain conditions and criteria. In order to ensure the continuity of the relations of international companies with their stakeholders in terms of economic, social and political aspects and to create an environment of trust, stakeholders should not only take into consideration their cultural, social, psychological and economic differences, but they should pay attention to the practices regarding these differences. Besides the sudden and unexpected situations of the crises, not taking action against the expected events causes the crisis to progress. In the example of the crisis analyzed in this study, it was concluded that social values towards another country and race were treated as sarcastic or derogatory with the media and advertisement studies. It was also observed that this situation negatively affected the brand's activities in the current market. With the case analysis, in this study, it was tried to reveal how the crisis created by the examined brand in the advertising campaign and other communication forms affects the brand, what it does to change the negative image perception resulting from the crisis and how it carries out a study.


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