Cultural and social elements associated with social life appear within poems and verbal culture through various symbols. These symbols reflect the worlds of image possessed by the poets while they give clues about the lifestyles of societies and their particular characteristics. As so, the fact that horse is an element that contains the characteristics of Turkish culture provides it with a wide scope of use as an imagination or symbol in the Classical Ottoman Poetry. Horse is a commonly used figure in the qasida of the Ottoman (Divan) Poet Nef’i. The similarity between the characterizations of horse in his poets and the meaning properties placed on the concept of horse by the Iranian poet Urfî is attracting. In this article, embarking from some qasida the similarities and differences between the various notions of horse existing in Nef’î’s world of poem will be explored particularly within the framework of ‘impression’.
@article{2016,title={PROPERTİES OF “HORSE” AT NEF’Î AND URFÎ},abstractNode={Cultural and social elements associated with social life appear within poems and verbal culture through various symbols. These symbols reflect the worlds of image possessed by the poets while they give clues about the lifestyles of societies and their particular characteristics. As so, the fact that horse is an element that contains the characteristics of Turkish culture provides it with a wide scope of use as an imagination or symbol in the Classical Ottoman Poetry. Horse is a commonly used figure in the qasida of the Ottoman (Divan) Poet Nef’i. The similarity between the characterizations of horse in his poets and the meaning properties placed on the concept of horse by the Iranian poet Urfî is attracting. In this article, embarking from some qasida the similarities and differences between the various notions of horse existing in Nef’î’s world of poem will be explored particularly within the framework of ‘impression’.},author={Nuray MEMİŞ},year={2016},journal={The Journal of Academic Social Science}}
Nuray MEMİŞ . 2016 . PROPERTİES OF “HORSE” AT NEF’Î AND URFÎ . The Journal of Academic Social Science.DOI:10.16992/ASOS.1122
Nuray MEMİŞ.(2016).PROPERTİES OF “HORSE” AT NEF’Î AND URFÎ.The Journal of Academic Social Science
Nuray MEMİŞ,"PROPERTİES OF “HORSE” AT NEF’Î AND URFÎ" , The Journal of Academic Social Science (2016)
Nuray MEMİŞ . 2016 . PROPERTİES OF “HORSE” AT NEF’Î AND URFÎ . The Journal of Academic Social Science . 2016. DOI:10.16992/ASOS.1122
Nuray MEMİŞ .PROPERTİES OF “HORSE” AT NEF’Î AND URFÎ. The Journal of Academic Social Science (2016)
Nuray MEMİŞ .PROPERTİES OF “HORSE” AT NEF’Î AND URFÎ. The Journal of Academic Social Science (2016)
Nuray MEMİŞ. (2016) .PROPERTİES OF “HORSE” AT NEF’Î AND URFÎ The Journal of Academic Social Science
Nuray MEMİŞ . PROPERTİES OF “HORSE” AT NEF’Î AND URFÎ . The Journal of Academic Social Science . 2016 doi:10.16992/ASOS.1122
Nuray MEMİŞ."PROPERTİES OF “HORSE” AT NEF’Î AND URFÎ",The Journal of Academic Social Science(2016)