Author : Ergün ARDA
Number of pages : 539-555


Glass lathe is a lathe designed to shape the borosilicate glass tube from the metal lathe. It is a handcrafted method that is completely different from the traditional shaping concept and is used by hand and hand tools. Glass lathe method has been used for the first time in our country by Technical Glass which was established in 1975 within the scope of Şişe Cam A.Ş. This method seems to be undiscovered by on ceramic and glass artist for the work done in Turkey. Glass lathe has been used to produce functional products for industrial use to date, but with this article, the history of the lathe means that the method can be used for artistic purposes while highlighting what and how the method is applied. It is hoped that glass lathe in the field of glass art will give new insights to researchers because of the fact that glass lathe is not studied as a subject.


Glass, Lathe, Glass Lathe, Borosilicate, Glass Art, Glass Blowing,

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