أسلوب التوكيد في سورة الواقعة (دراسة دلاليّة)

Author : Gulhan AL-TURK
Number of pages : 423-439


The ‘assertion’ is one of the methods of the Arabic language which is inten-ded to strengthen the speech and fix it, remove the doubt, and establish cer-tainty in the mind of the addressee. The subject of the assertions and its methods have been fortunate enough to be studied by the linguists.The pur-pose of this study is to deal with the assertion methods in Surat (Great event) and determine its significance and investigate the methods of asser-tion therein. These methods have played an important role in this surah be-cause their main purpose is to respond to Baathists after death by charging mental evidence. In addition to the use of the language style, deterrent by intensifying the methods of assertion in this surah with be examined. In or-der to analyze the methods of assertions style, the study followed the desc-riptive analytical method rhetorical emphasis display positions. The study divided the surah into its main subjects: the scene on the doomsday, the scene of the former, the scene of the right group, the scene of left group and in the end the scene of the death. Then the study dealt with each subject under which the most important types of assertion methods are used: Emp-hasis of repetition, assertion of the source, assertion of the noun 2. Emphasis on particles and letters, conditional sentence style and inventory method 3. Emphasis without particles. In this section we searched for the method of assertion of presentation, section style, in addition to the sentence in ques-tion. Each section is also shadowed by the implication of the assertion used. The research aims to deal with this issue by answering the following ques-tions: In which contexts were the assertion methods used in Surat and why? What are the implications of these methods? Did it agree with the main ideas of Surat or not?.


Surat el-Waqi’a (The Great Event), Denote Assertion, implication.

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