Author : Recep ARSLAN
Number of pages : 306-324


The People’s Houses actively operated between 1932 and 1951 and worked towards the adoption of the values of the new regime by the society. This formation actively served in the 1930s and 1940s and this formation stamped the history of the period. People’s Houses throughout Turkey, from February 19, 1932 put into operation in 14 provincial centers. The number of People’s Houses has reached 478 in the period they were closed. One of these People’s Houses was the Antalya People’s House. Antalya People’s House was opened on June 24, 1932. In 1946 it was determined that there were 10 People’s Houses and 47 People’s Houses Rooms in Antalya. Through the Türk Akdeniz magazine, published every two months, the Antalya People’s House has been found in the works of illuminating the people in a wide frame with its history, geography and folklore of the region. People’s Houses have been opened in every corner of Turkey. People's Houses Instruction, from the following branches: “Language, History and Literature”, “Fine Arts”, “Representation”, “Sport”, “Social Assistance”, “Folk Lessons and Courses”, “Library and Publications”, “Villagers”, “Museum and Exhibition”. Antalya People’s House also conducted public education activities on 9 branch and each branch has enlightened the public through the Türk Akdeniz magazine. With this work, it is desired to establish the foundation and works of Antalya People’s House. In preparing this article benefited from the Prime Minister's Republic Archives, examination works and newspapers. İn the creation of the article was utilized the document review model, which is one of the qualitative research techniques.


Republican Regime, People’s House, Antalya, Activities.

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