Author :  

Year-Number: 2022-133
Yayımlanma Tarihi: 2022-10-05 08:02:27.0
Language : İngilizce
Konu : Uluslararası İktisat
Number of pages: 278-294
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap


Çalışmada, V4 ülkelerinin rekabet gücü Açıklanmış Karşılaştırmalı Üstünlükler (RCA) ve Göreli İhracat Avantajı (RXA) Endeksleri ile analiz edilmiştir. RCA Endeksi analiz sonuçlarına göre, 66 ürün grubunda Polonya’nın 35, Çekya’nın 27, Macaristan’ın 23, Slovakya’nın ise 20 ürün grubunda rekabet avantajı bulunmaktadır. V4 ülkeleri içinde en çok rekabet avantajına sahip ülkenin Polonya olduğu görülmektedir. RXA Endeksi analiz sonuçları da RCA Endeksi ile benzerlik göstermektedir. Her iki endekse göre de nicel olarak rekabet avantajına sahip oldukları ürün gruplarının sayısı aynıdır. V4 ülkelerinde genel olarak emek ve hammadde yoğun ürün gruplarında rekabet gücü bulunsa da katma değeri yüksek ürün gruplarının bazılarında da rekabet gücü bulunmaktadır. Bu da V4 ülkelerinin ihracat portföyü açısından pozitif bir durumdur.



In the study, the competitiveness of V4 countries was analyzed with the Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) and Relative Export Advantage (RXA) Indices. According to the results of the RCA Index analysis, Poland has a competitive advantage in 35 product groups, Czechia has 27, Hungary has 23 and Slovakia has a competitive advantage in 20 product groups. It is seen that Poland has the most comparative advantage among the V4 countries. The RXA Index analysis results are also similar to the RCA Index. According to both indices, the number of product groups in which they have quantitative comparative advantage is the same. Although there is a competitiveness in labor and raw material intensive product groups in V4 countries, some of the product groups with high added value also have competitiveness. This is a positive situation for the export portfolio of V4 countries.


  • When the literature is examined, it is seen that the analyzes made about the V4 countries are generally on the basis of the sector. Bielik et al. (2012) analyzed the export competitiveness of agricultural products of V4 countries with the RCA index and the Lafay (LF) Index. The results of the analysis show that the agricultural trade of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary as a whole does not have comparative advantages neither in the global market nor in the domestic market of EU countries. Only Poland has a comparative advantage in the trade of agricultural products both to the domestic market of EU countries and to the global market. Bieńkowski and Stoykova (2016) analyze how EU-15 and V4 countries were affected by the 2007 crisis in terms of competitiveness, in comparison with the RCA Index. The results of the analysis reveal that the competitiveness of R&D-based products was most affected by the 2007 crisis.

  • Dziuba et al. (2018) examined the competitive position of textile sector exports of V4 countries with EU countries for the period 2004-2016 with the RCA Index, Relative Export Advantage (RTA) Index and Import Penetration Index (IMP). The results of the analysis show that the competitiveness of the textile sector has increased, especially after the V4 countries joined the EU. Ambroziak (2018) analyzed the competitiveness of V4 countries against EU countries with the RCA and Trade Complementarity (TCI) Indices. In the study covering the period from 2010 to 2016, the competitiveness of 28 manufacturing and service sectors was analyzed. Analysis results reveal that V4 countries have a stronger competitiveness in intra-EU trade in manufacturing goods, excluding high-tech products, while their competitiveness in service trade in the EU market is low. Firlej and Kubala (2018) analyzed the export competitiveness of agricultural and food products in V4 countries with the RCA Index between 2005 and 2017. The results of the analysis prove that there is competitiveness in agricultural and food products in V4 countries. In V4 countries, the highest competitiveness in foreign trade of animal food products and plant food products is in cereals, fruits and vegetables, but their competitiveness has been decreasing over the years.

  • Nagy and Jámbor (2019) analyzed dairy exports of the EU and V4 with the RCA index. As a result of the study covering the period of 2000-2017, it has been determined that the most competitive countries in terms of export performance are Denmark, France, Ireland and Belgium. Illes et al. (2021) examined the competitiveness of V4 countries in the honey and beekeeping sector between 2000 and 2018 with the RCA index. The results of the analysis reveal that Hungary has the most comparative advantage in terms of natural honey among the V4 countries. Studies in the literature in general analyze both the sectoral competitiveness of V4 and its commercial relations with the EU. No study has been found that analyzes which product groups have competitive advantage in terms of factor density of V4 countries. Hence, it is thought that the study will make an important contribution to the literature. METHODOLOGY

  • The RCA Index, which was first put forward by Bela Balassa in 1965, expresses the ratio of a country's total export share in any sector to the world's total export share in that sector. That is, it compares the domestic specialization of a country in a product or sector with the specialization of the world. (Kösekahyaoğlu & Sarıçoban, 2017). The RCA Index is formulated as (Balassa, 1965):

  • RCAjkt = If RCA > 1; the country in question specializes in the export of that product and has competitiveness. If RCA< 1; the country in question could not specialize in the export of that product and has a competitive disadvantage. If 1< RCA< 2, there is weak competitiveness 2 < RCA< 4, medium competitiveness, and above 4 and 4 strong competitiveness (Çeştepe, 2012). With the RXA Index, Vollrath made significant contributions to the RCA index in 1991 and found a solution to the double calculation problem that may occur when calculating the export competitiveness of countries. Unlike the RCA Index, the RXA Index avoids double counting of countries and sectors. (Erkan, 2016). The RXA Index is formulated as (Vollrath, 1991): RXAjkt = The RXA Index is interpreted in the same way as the RCA Index. If RXA > 1, there is competitiveness, if RXA < 1, there is no competitiveness. If 1< RXA < 2, there is weak competitiveness, if 2 < RXA < 4, medium competitiveness, if 4 and above 4, strong competitiveness is in question. (Bozduman & Erkan, 2019). Analysis of V4 countries Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) Rev. 3, 2digit classification using calculated. In the study covering the years 2000-2021, 66 product groups were used. The ‘appropriate avarage’ was used when calculating the mean of the RCA and RXA values. The appropriate avarage is calculated by ignoring the highest and lowest values in the years (2000-2021) covering the analysis. The purpose of using the appropriate average is that the production and export values of certain product groups of countries are likely to be excessively high or low due to extraordinary positive and negative developments (supply shocks, climate changes, political developments, natural disasters, etc.). To eliminate this situation, using the appropriate average will give more accurate results. RCA INDEX ANALYSIS OF V4 COUNTRIES The RCA Index analysis of the V4 countries was handled in the context of weak, medium and strong advantages, and the disadvantaged product groups were not included in the table display. RCA Analysis of the Czech Republic According to the results of the RCA Analysis of the Czech Republic, it has weak

  • Table 4: RCA Analysis Scores by Medium Advantages (2000-2021)

  • 89 Misc manufactures nes weak 1.19 Among the product groups in which Poland has weak advantage, there are R&D-based products (SITC 71, SITC 76, SITC 79, SITC 81) that are both easy imitated and hard imitated, just like in Hungary and Czech Republic. Table 6: RCA Analysis Scores by Medium and Strong Advantages (2000-2021)

  • 96 Coin nongold non current weak 1.06 When the weak, medium and strong advantages of the Czech Republic are examined according to the RXA values (table 9 and table 10), it is seen that similar results are obtained with the RCA Index. According to the RCA Index results, the SITC 75 coded product has weak advantage, while it has medium advantage according to the RXA Index results. Table 10: RXA Analysis Scores by Medium and Strong Advantages (2000-2021)

  • Table 11: RXA Analysis Scores by Weak Advantages (2000-2021)

  • Table 12: RXA Analysis Scores by Medium and Strong Advantages (2000-2021)

  • 96 Coin nongold non current strong 12.85 CONCLUSION The level of specialization of countries also directly affects their export performance. Thus, measuring the competitiveness of countries shows which sectors should be given weight to develop. Due to the fact that the V4 countries are among the EU countries, it is among the important trade partners of Turkey. The fact that V4 countries are located in the Central Europe region also makes them advantageous in terms of geographical location. Measuring the export competitiveness of V4 countries, which are both within the EU and an integration on its own, and determining which product groups have a competitive advantage will also affect the commercial relations between countries. In the study, the competitiveness of V4 countries was analyzed with the RCA Index and the RXA index. The results of the analysis show that Poland has the most competitive advantage among the V4 countries. The competitive advantage in 35 product groups out of 66 product groups distinguishes Poland from the other three countries in a positive way. The country with the least competitive advantage is Slovakia. Although V4 countries generally have a competitive advantage in raw material and laborintensive product groups, the fact that especially Poland and the Czech Republic have weak competitive advantage in R&D-based product groups makes these countries stand out in the V4 group. Of course, the fact that V4 countries have a substantial advantage in capital-intensive product groups is a positive indicator in terms of increasing export competitiveness. Of course, the fact that V4 countries became members of the EU in 2004 has a significant share in increasing their competitive power day by day. Because the trade partners of the EU are also the partners of the V4 countries. Although the development level of V4 countries is not like other EU countries, it is an undeniable fact that they have great potential. For this reason, increasing investments in R&D-based product groups in V4 countries, both by the government and the private sector, will enable the mentioned countries to converge with other EU countries.

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