The aim of this study was to examine the significance of the relationship between parent's depression, hopelessness sand healthcare satisfaction about services that their children received at the Rehabilitation Center. Thirty mothers and 30 fathers participated in the research. Beck Hopelessness Scale (BUT), Beck Depression Scale and Health Care Parental Satisfaction Scale were used to collect the data. Independent Sample T-Test and Pearson Correlation Analysis were used in the analysis of the data. As a result of the research, among parents it is found out that the depression level of primary school graduates is higher than that of high school and university graduates; the depression and hopelessness level of parents who have child at school age and adolescent is higher than parents of the preschool children; the hopelessness level of the parents whose last child diagnosed is higher than those of the parents whose first child diagnosed. Positive relationship encountered between depression and hopelessness in parents and a significant negative relationship encountered between depression, parental healthcare satisfaction, technical skill and overall satisfaction.