Author :  

Year-Number: 2020-110
Yayımlanma Tarihi: 2020-11-22 16:51:13.0
Language : İngilizce
Number of pages: 259-272
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap


The main purpose of this study is to determine the educational senses of personal stress factors within the scope of distance education process in terms of teachers and principals. Within this scope, the survey form which is prepared as research oriented is applied to 601 individual within 302 schools that provide in four large districts in Izmir province between 15.06.2020 and 15.08.2020.Following the research for managing personal stress, main attributions, self-efficacy and personality factors are determined to be significant at advanced level. Besides, in terms of stress managing for distance education in pandemia process, before pandemia, mid education, end of education, exam periods and after pandemia processes are considered important. During this process, quality, motivation and internal stakeholder satisfaction are determined to have a great importance in the context of stress



The main purpose of this study is to determine the educational senses of personal stress factors within the scope of distance education process in terms of teachers and principals. Within this scope, the survey form which is prepared as research oriented is applied to 601 individual within 302 schools that provide in four large districts in Izmir province between 15.06.2020 and 15.08.2020.Following the research for managing personal stress, main attributions, self-efficacy and personality factors are determined to be significant at advanced level. Besides, in terms of stress managing for distance education in pandemia process, before pandemia, mid education, end of education, exam periods and after pandemia processes are considered important. During this process, quality, motivation and internal stakeholder satisfaction are determined to have a great importance in the context of stress


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